Hello everybody,
My name is Ulrich and this is my blog. In this blog, I try to share the information that I was looking for myself. I focus on new technologies and tips and tricks that I came across. If you want to know how this all started, I give you the answer below. I hope you find the information use full. If you would like to talk to me, please reach out to me.
Who are you?
I’m currently an Advisory Platform Architect with VMware by Broadcom in the Tanzu business Unit. Previously I held different roles at EMC, Dell and Pivotal. I have a diploma in Computer Science from the RWTH Aachen University. I’m interested in exploring new technology and trying to apply theme for my customer engagements.
How often do you create new content?
This is a side project of mine, and as a result I’m not able to stick to a consistent schedule. My work demands a lot of travel time. As a result of that, I haven’t been able to publish anything new for quite some time. Hopefully it will get better soon. The blog is an addition to the YouTube Channel. Creating these videos takes some time. Whenever I find something interesting I’ll either try to create a video for it or publish an article.
What is the origin of “Everything As Code”?
In march 2016 @mydigamma and myself created a virtual Meetup group and a YouTube channel around container technologies. To be more precise we started learning Docker our selfs and tried to share our findings with the community. In that time we produces some quite successful videos.
Our original mantra stands till today: Keep learning ;-)
Initially we focused on the German speaking community around my home location. This quickly changed and we switched to English. You can still find the original content our YouTube Channel.
How did you create the design of the Blog?
I’ve been using Hugo from the start in 2016. Originally I just used one of the standard themes. Then I came across an awesome blog post by Janne Kemppainen about creating a Hugo Theme and I used this for this blog.
How do I contact you?
The easiest way to contact me is to reach out on Twitter. My DM’s are open, so feel free to say ‘Hello’. You can also use the contact page at the bottom of every page.
Ulrich Hölscher
Advisory Platform Architect